Spy all social media ads
Hi, whats the best social spy tool? If there is one at all (pinterest, facebook, twitter, snapchat, instagram, linkedin)
Hi, whats the best social spy tool? If there is one at all (pinterest, facebook, twitter, snapchat, instagram, linkedin)
Hi! I’m very glad to start my first follow along thread and at this point, I’m happy to be a STM new member. Not long ago I started running ads on FB. I’d like to get some pieces of advice and suggestions from the community about FB campaigns that I’m running, the truth is that […]
Hey stmers, I’ve finally been able to hit $XXX profit days with affiliate marketing. Woohoo! My next goal is to pass $X,XXX profit days This post will be a long term follow along / rollercoaster of success story. I’ll only update periodically (as I get closer and pass my goal). I’m going to keep track […]
Hey guys, I have been secretly working my a** off on a project with a friend to get access to unlimited and legitimate credit cards for the Facebook accounts (or any other purposes). Has been working really good and we are thinking to open it privately for a few people. Are the following offer and […]
:cool:I’ll try to keep this short. Here is a part of my revenue for the specific offer: My FB data: My formula is super simple and easy: Top offer Angle for creatives Scale quickly to win before there is too much competition Top Offer Usually I focus on only one top offer in any period. […]
Hey, guys, let’s talk about Facebook Audience. Unfortunately, I can’t share any cases right now, but I will review this question on an example in details. Plus, you can reach me in Telegram @cassshy) for questions about farming, warm-up strategies, how to get working payment solutions with reasonable prices, how to manage your media buying […]
I recently replied to Eric’s thread here where he asked if there was anyone making money with compliant campaigns . I offered him to PM me to see an example of what I’m running. Since I’ve received many PMs I think it’s a better idea to post the examples here for everyone. Here is the […]
hey guys, don’t know how much of you know it, but if you keep msging support (up to 5 msgs) about wanting to spend more – account limit would grow without having to wait the entire month. really cool for those who got stuck with some accounts like these.
Quick setup details: I got my leadgen ad account (auto loans) banned in FB for too many ad disapprovals as I was trying to fix up an ad. I’ve reached out 2-3 times about this silly ban and they just tell me sorry bud, decision final. So I setup a new ad account within my […]
Hey guys, So been part of STM for almost 10 months now, stuck to pops first and then to push. Had a handful of profitable camps but still losing money overall. I’ve decided to slowly transition into FB now and put most my effort into it after my balances on pop n push traffic sources […]