:cool:I’ll try to keep this short. Here is a part of my revenue for the specific offer:
My FB data:

My formula is super simple and easy:

  • Top offer
  • Angle for creatives
  • Scale quickly to win before there is too much competition

Top Offer

Usually I focus on only one top offer in any period. Mostly it is recommended by my AMs and has been run by other affiliates with good EPC and big revenue.

Angle for Creatives

I rely on a spy tool to find angles of creatives to test. Note that I said ANGLE. I don’t suggest to copy the creatives directly, because Facebook has probably already flagged them. My team makes our own creatives based on the angles from winning creatives. For the money page, I would slightly change or even directly use good landers found in the spy tool.

My personal tips for finding the best creatives:
a. been running for over 3 days
b. has good number of comments and engagement
c. Money page is available
d. creative is seen multiple times in spy tool

I set up at least 3 ad campaigns to test an offer, one angle per campaign. For each campaign I will set the budget to at least twice the offer’s payout. For example, for an offer payout of $50, I would set the test budget for each campaign to $100 or more.

Also, I target broad to re ...

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