Is working with a smartlink as beneficial as they say? When should you use a smartlink and when – a direct link? How does smartlink optimization work? How much money do you need for tests? Today the Zeydoo team will answer all the questions concerning the Smartlink technology that worry every media buyer. We’ll see […]
What happens if the account is disabled – First we will check the account information – We will send an appeal to the support team – While waiting for a response from the Facebook Support team, We will provide additional accounts for you – You don’t need to pay any extra fees. The only fee […]
What happens if the account is disabled – First we will check the account information – We will send an appeal to the support team – While waiting for a response from the Facebook Support team, We will provide additional accounts for you – You don’t need to pay any extra fees. The only fee […]
What happens if the account is disabled – First we will check the account information – We will send an appeal to the support team – While waiting for a response from the Facebook Support team, We will provide additional accounts for you – You don’t need to pay any extra fees. The only fee […]
Hi guys, we are a ad agency and we also have inhouse mediabuy team. Recently some of our clients are testing Mediago, and some of them are performing quite well, including Roboinvest lead generation and content arbitrage. Also, MediaGo is more flexible in terms of compliance requirement. Please leave your thoughts here or you can […]
What to do if your account is disabled? – First we will check the account information. – We will send an appeal to the support team. – While waiting for a response from the Facebook Support team, We will provide additional accounts for you. – You don’t need to pay any extra fees. The only […]
From nytimes Meta suffered a major defeat on Wednesday that could severely undercut its Facebook and Instagram advertising business after European Union regulators found it had illegally forced users to effectively accept personalized ads. The decision, including a fine of 390 million euros ($414 million), has the potential to require Meta to make costly […]
What to do if your account is disabled? – First we will check the account information. – We will send an appeal to the support team. – While waiting for a response from the Facebook Support team, We will provide additional accounts for you. – You don’t need to pay any extra fees. The only […]
November and December are widely know in affiliate marketing community as the best months in the year. All those sales and deals, presents and gifts are turning into a pretty nice chunk of profits. That’s pretty much the reason why January feels numb-ish — people are burned out and don’t tend to buy stuff online […]
What to do if your account is disabled? – First we will check the account information. – We will send an appeal to the support team. – While waiting for a response from the Facebook Support team, We will provide additional accounts for you. – You don’t need to pay any extra fees. The only […]