A lot of you believe that design is a trivial thing, something you shouldn’t pay much attention to but it’s not and you should!

“Hey wait here mister, my lander is currently working really well, why would I even care about design?” 

Yes design is subjective, and yes you should always test everything but there are unwritten rules you can adhere to and common mistakes you can avoid. 

So I’ll just keep writing articles until I change your cemented opinion and get you to see the bigger picture.

You can always improve your campaigns further by avoiding common design mistakes and being educated when it comes to your creatives. It’s not all about the numbers y’know!

I’m going to lay out a short list of seemingly harmless mistakes, ones that affiliates keep making, and me and my past clients have made numerous times which have cost us all an arm and a leg, just so you can avoid leaving money on the table in the future!

Here goes… in no particular order:

Say ‘No’ to Ghost CTAs!

What’s a ghost CTA/button? When your CTA only has a stroke and no full coloured background. Especially ones with no bold text. These guys just get a bad CTR all around and everyone who’s tested them can confirm this for me. 

Speaking of conversion centered design, a button should always stand out the most on your pages with a high-contrast complementary colour and a full-coloured background! You can also test having icons inside the button too. But If it’s pure fanciness you’re after, then ghost buttons may as well be your best friends.

There are cases, of course, where ghost buttons are acceptable. For example, you can use them as a secondary button on your main lander – “Start My Free Trial Now” normal, in-your-face button, and then “See th ...

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