Hey, STM-ers, I have spent a month in total running e-commerce…which was quite new for me. I have been running WH leadgen (auto insurance) since 2019 but I was always curious how e-commerce performs. I got a few PMs from Carousel by Jumbleberry so I wanted to give it a shot. To be honest they helped me a lot with picking up the right offers and provided a lot of materials.

Some of you guys have already chatted with me or had video calls, so you know I am very helpful and responsive if you ask the right questions. I am feeling great if my guides help other affiliates. Do not be afraid to test new things!

This article will be one of three and I am gonna reveal: offers, angles, actual creatives and strategies on how to maintain the volume and scale.

Traffic Source: Facebook

Offer: Thryve – $100 – WW

EPC – $10,94
Revenue for 13 days – $51,100
some stats:

Top Funnel:

  1. LPID 16402 – Presell > Lander
    1. Test Kit Only: Up to 60% off

Target Audience Demographics

  1. Category A: Food Cooking / Veganism / Diet / 30 Min Chefs:
    1. 25 – 35 year old females living in USA, interests include super foods, vegan recipes, 30 minute cooking, vegan recipes, probiotic, microbiome, gut pain
    2. Angle: Improved health and reduce gut pain
  2. Category B: Travel / Business Travellers / Travel Buffs
    1. 34-45 year old female / males living in the USA who travel for work or enjoy travel related topics
    2. Angle: Protect yourself from stomach bugs and travel with ease
  3. Category C: Sports & Fitness/Health / Fitness Buffs
    1. 34-45 year old female / male living in USA who care about fitness, health, and maintaining a healthy body.
    2. Angle: Reduce bloating and improve your immunity. Track your progress with Thryve.

Top Performing Content (Cold)

  1. Category A/C:
    1. What is Thryve Video
      1. https://jumbleberry.box.com/s/0q702uxjeualotwbvzgo8iusblxq6fbo
      2. https://jumbleberry.box.com/s/3usv49x9l7c694g1phwas15j01h0h2jq
      3. W ...

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