This is Tim from AdCombo.

The platform of Facebook Ads never discloses how it works. Affiliates all over the world build their understanding of the ad platform on the basis of tests and experiments. That is why there exist millions of myths about Facebook algorithms delivered by the affiliates of different types. Most of them are far from reality indeed. Let us agree, discussions/chats/masterminds about Facebook ads are often full of fairy-tales. It may spoil newbies attempts.

One of the most mythological parts of Facebook Ads is “payments”. I have seen hundreds of affiliates being sure that Facebook can easily recognize a virtual credit card, or that the name of a cardholder must coincide with the name of a social profile and other crazy tips. Lots of publishers believe such facts to be true, while at least half of such tips have no connection to the real facts.

This time I would love to discuss some absolutely evident facts about payment and fraud filtering services on Facebook ads. Please, consider this information not to be a direct guide to somehow violate the terms and policies of the Facebook Ads platform. I do not encourage anyone to use the contents below for illegal purposes. And I disclaim, that all the illegal issues made by you are your personal intentions.

(Perhaps some of you could already see my threads on this forum. Most of them are out of date as Facebook is pretty changeable these days. If I have enough time, I will try to update all the actual information to make them relevant)

Actually, only two key poi ...

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