$XXX,XXX with mobile apps (How you can start now) [Part 2]
This final part of the guide explains the 4 most popular app launching strategies.
If you took every app in the app store and categorized them into how they’re making money there’s probably 6-8 main strategies. I understand some of the biggest strategies very well and i’ll explain them below.
1. The Branded Route
– This is usually a business app, workout app, photo related app or an indie game. 90% of the time they’re paid apps, and they get continuous press for the quality of their app. This keeps them in the app charts and makes these apps anywhere from $1million to $20million. Some examples with public figures:
Camera+: $8million
Scanner App: $21million
Badlands (game): $14mil – $21mil (they released number of downloads, but had some free promo days)
You need to focus on a great idea, and quality app build for this route. Can’t go finding someone on Odesk to build this.. you need quality, even 1 hiccup or error proves your app wasn’t built by a greatness. To get featured in the iOS store specifically they need to know your company/app is flawless and makes quality innovative products.
2. The Big Branded Freemium Game Route
– This you 99% of the time need a big team of experts on monetizing your app with a wicked in app purchase strategy. They don’t just say “upgrade your power ups”. It’s a endless funnel of things yo ...