##### NSFV – Not Safe For Vegetarians/Vegans #####

Yoooo guys!

It’s time for a new follow along. This one will probably shorter than my last one (The Scaleship Project).

A year after I started The Wildboar Boar Liquidator follow along, business is still growing. Online we’re dominating the niche in the main markets (France, Germany) but there is still a lot of room for growth. For the past few month we were focused to get more offline retailer buy our products in bulk.

Long story short … because of the COVID-19 we are expecting huge drop from this segment (offline retailers) so I decided to switch focused back to online sales.

France is our strongest market (online & offline) and a few days ago they banned hunting/fishing/…). That said, on the very same day I start running ads in Germany (Facebook).

Until now I have 1 minute long video that’s killin it on FB and cca. 100 orders from this FB CBO campaign.

With the right approach, video, product and enough tests I believe I can learn how to make profitable YouTube campaigns.

Why YouTube?

1. I don’t want to ...

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