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Budget Bumping Strategy for Larger Spend Accounts

Hey guys, I’ve looked around a lot but I don’t feel like there is really great discussion anywhere about best practices when it comes to raising budgets. I’m talking about spending on relatively large accounts here and the process of building an account from $500 to $4k or so in spend (assuming you have a […]

Categories Facebook

Instagram Ads Now Available Around the World

Facebook opened up instagram ads (available through the normal Facebook ad manager) to the world now. From the Press Release: Instagram ads are now available in every country where Facebook ads are currently offered. Markets where Instagram ads are now available include: Russia, South Africa, Chile, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan, […]

Categories Facebook

(swipe file download) 1,001 ready-made Facebook ads

I hope this is gonna save you lots of time and money! FB swipe file with 1,001 ready made ads. Lots of success!

Categories Facebook

The different ways to scale a facebook campaign.

I was just talking to a friend who’s new to facebook. I’ve been doing Facebook for a while now (started with cloaking nutra) and then 6 months ago got into Whitehat as I begin to age, and look for more long term, sellable assets. Anyways… He was asking me how to scale campaigns on Facebook, […]

Categories Facebook

Facebook Dislike Button. Game change?

Hi guys, Will this be a game changer or not?

Categories Facebook

Best Facebook Options

So what do you guys prefer? 1. Facebook Ads vs. Facebook Promoted Posts (dark posts)? what’s the difference here since you can target both of them the same way? 2. Objective: Send people to website, conversions, post engagement? 3. CPC, CPM? OCPM? 4. Preferred audience size? 4,000,000? More, less?

Categories Facebook

Zuckerberg, take my money!

You have to give credit where credit is due. All I can say is … Respect.

Categories Facebook

Proven Facebook Images

I’ve been wrecking Facebook Dating for over 2 years now, and during that period I’ve probably tested xx,xxx images over that time period. I’ve always been a marketer that stuck to large demos. On Facebook, I would never use keywords or interests, and even for dating, I keep my age ranges 25-45 years old. I […]

Categories Facebook

Is Facebook’s Algorithm Update Hurting You? There’s a few interesting articles on the algorithm change that was implemented about a week ago. I was wondering what you guys think about this and how you think this could potentially be utilized? For me, it’s been an uphill battle. My revenue took a 90% hiy after day one. Fan pages […]

Categories Facebook