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A Teenage Girl Made 40k Online In First 30 Days Without Her Parents Even Knowing!

So there she went, on a free ad site and just posted one image. And there she was.. a month later – 40k in her pocket. No investment. No landing page optimization. So is that what you want? An another ‘success’ story how someone else did it? Or you want to start doing it on […]

Categories Success Stories

First $100 ever!

Hey guys just thought I’d share this small mile stone in my journey to becoming a full time affiliate marketer. Hit my first ever $100 following the mobile appetiser method. I’m really excited about this because I’ve never made any money online until joining this forum and everyone in here has been so helpful. It […]

Categories Success Stories

A Small Success After 4 Months of Joining STM

Hi guys, I just want to share with you guys a small success of mine and thank those who have contributed to this. I would like to thank all the Moderators (, caurmen, stackman, maynzie, finch, MrAttila, cmdeal etc. and especially Zeno for giving me such detailed answers on all of my questions) and other […]

Categories Success Stories

Snowball to Victory.

So when someone handed me the corporate STM account a few months back I didn’t think this would be THE place to be, neither did I think STM was a cool name. I figured with the new position I was about to take on I’d be best to really understand what and how affiliates work. […]

Categories Success Stories

My first $200 profit day and other stuff

I love reading success stories! It’s a guilty pleasure of mine but I also find them very motivating. I truly enjoy reading about someone that is now making $5k or $10k a day or more. It’s nice to know that it is an attainable goal and that I can one day get there too ;). […]

Categories Success Stories

From 0$ to 1k$/day in a few short months!

Hey STMers! I will keep this short as I don’t feel like writing much today. 🙂 I’m 21 years old and I live in Latvia. Just a few months ago I joined STM with a few hundred $ set aside for testing and high motivation. I wasn’t new in this scene, I’ve been doing IM […]

Categories Success Stories

From Chunk Change To Fat Stacks – My journey to $xx,xxx per day

Ah, feels so good to write one of these threads finally. Did my first 50k day today(even though as a team, but still) and the timing could not have been better. All these feels!!!;) My AM life has been such a roller coaster ride. I know that sounds cliche but not too long before STM […]

Categories Success Stories

Turned $1.5K into $21K in 50 days – Hunger Games 2

I started IM about 7-8 years ago, though it has been on and off. My first attempt was actually a good success. I wrote an ebook and placed some aff links in it and uploaded it to a torrent site. Banked a few $K off it when I was 16 or so and in school, […]

Categories Success Stories

I left my 9 to 5 job today, and I’m going to Hawaii

😀Ok ok ok , so I’m not going to Hawaii forever. Its only for a week and a half Vacation/ Honeymoon since I got married at the end of last summer. But I in fact did leave my full-time job today to become a full-time online marketer. The following is a short summary of my […]

Categories Success Stories

How I Turn From -2000 to $16,000!

I would really love to say a BIG THANK to this forum and the people here! I’ve been a member of STM since March/April, and at that time, I was solely focus on PPV, LeadImpact was my only choice owing to the fact that TV doesn’t accept int affiliate unless you have a really good […]

Categories Success Stories