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577 Presentations From Affiliate Summit. (All Slides Included)

Just came across this There are some pretty interesting presentations in there!

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

Content Locking 101 – What Is It All About [Tutorial]

Hello Stackers, I decided to put this tutorial together as some of you seem a little clueless about the subject. I hope this helps some of you out. The Basics Content locking is a monetizing solution that can be used on pretty much all types of web content, you can achieve better results with this […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

If everybody’s just copying each other… how do u get ahead?

Serious question. Spy tools are great. You can find out what’s working and get off to a good start. Add some creativity and then perhaps you’re in the green. But how long before someone else rips your lander? Unless you have an exclusive deal on an offer/bump in payout or run traffic on sources spyers […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

STM featured in Wired Magazine Italy Along with STM members Dario and Charles Ngo!

Teen millionaires chasing clicks: the secret world of affiliate marketing

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

STM Awards (Taking place @ STM London) Vote now!

>> VOTING ENDS FRIDAY FEB 27th! This year we’re having the very first STM Awards during STM London Thanks to our sponsors: – – – Best STM Case Study/Guide – Polarbacon “How to Turn a $5/day Campaign into $10,000,000+ in Revenue – True Story!” – Ratalliance “Crushing Spotify – Mobile App Install […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

Native ad arbitrage sites

I was reading this blog: and I wanted to know if there was any code or wordpress plugins available that created these types of sites?

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

Interesting Illustration of How To Find a Winning Campaign

Stumpled across this one. I like the way it illustrates what is already being said a lot on the forum. If you know how he does it, dont ruin it for those who dont 🙂 The rest of the episode is out there, i’m sure you know where to look.

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

My Experience Working for a Startup – Know Your Worth

So… I’ve had a handful of FB campaigns on profitable auto-pilot for a while, and I was quickly growing less efficient. My free-time turned less towards optimizations/scaling and more towards gaming & going out. I decided that I wanted a taste of the 9-5 (affiliate full-time, here) and slap a new ‘marketing’ title to my […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

100% WHITEHAT Offers And Niches That Can Still Make Bank

One of the questions that comes up on STM quite often is “how can I run 100% whitehat offers?” It’s a difficult question to ask because everyone’s definition of whitehat varies. Some people are OK with adult content, some people are OK with gambling or similar things (sweepstakes, for example), and some people aren’t. Regardless […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

3 Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started

I was asked this in PM… but of course I want everyone to see, so I’m sharing here. Most of this has been said throughout the forums, but I want it to be in a central place. Please feel free to add more tips, just make sure its 3 at a time as it will […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum