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What does the optimization process look like?

I asked this question here but it didnt get any momentum. I think of optimization as three parts. I can get more conversions with the same traffic (landing page optimization) I can lower the cost per click (campaign optimization) I can get better quality, more likely to convert traffic (targeting optimization) But where do […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

How to Cut Offers with Different Payouts

For a long time, I didn’t have a tool for cutting offers I was split-testing. It wasn’t too bad when the offers all had similar payouts – I would just use the calculator at peakconversion and cut at a higher probability of being best to offset the inaccuracy. However, when the offers had very different […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

Where have you been for vacation lately? Post your photos! :)

We’re in the middle of the summer so I’m pretty sure many of the STM members are spending their vacation time all around the world. So where have you been? How was it? Post some pics and let us envy you 🙂 To get the thread moving, let me be the first one to post […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

Why are we trying to be the biggest fish in the pond?

I’m new here and to affiliate marketing in general so I really don’t know what I’m talking about at all but I’ve been reading nonstop and absolutely loving the angles and freedom of creativity in this industry. It fascinates me. But I have one question that’s really bugging at me. Why are we working so […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

team google internet police strikes again – RIP download now buttons maybe this is why my lps are red screened blocked daily. but come on google, you’re the king of social engineering. why don’t you click on these premium search results, yes the ones at the top.

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

Reverse Engineering Traffic

Here is a quick example of showing you how I use the tool we build in 7 days to reverse engineer traffic sources and offers giving me great Traffic insights. The tracking/redirect domain I am going to analyse the default Voluum tracking domain That domain gets a massive amount of traffic. 100s of Millions […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

Need Your Votes Immediately. New STM Contest!

***this time I attached the poll! It’s been WAY too long since our last follow along contest. It’s always an intense battle! For those who haven’t been involved in an STM follow contest you can see our previous ones below: Mobile Follow Along Contest Winners. Wild Wild West Contest Winners. After Dark Follow Along Contest […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

Teamviewer potentially hacked?

If you are using Teamviewer, I highly suggest to check if anything has been touched. I temporarily turned off my personal remote computer. Crazy stuff:

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

What’s Your Vertical Right Now, And What Do You Think Of It?

I’m in the process of preparing the 2016/2017 “What’s Working Now” guide, and I thought I’d do something extra this year. As well as the usual ways I prepare the “What’s Working Well” guide (from my own observations and from conversations with the STM team and other top-level affiliates), this year I’m going to run […]

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum

$18,000 Media Spend. $20,000,000 PROFIT. The AM campaign of the decade??? I guess you could call this a successful campaign 🙂 Does anyone know him?

Categories Affiliate Marketing Forum