Well, there is always the alternative. I don’t know about you, but I would much rather have my tax dollars spent on educating someone for four years instead of having to keep them in prison … which normally is even more expensive than college.
The “only” drug I’m really tempted to try.. would this be affiliate marketing on steroids? Read on http://nymag.com/news/intelligencer/modafinil-2013-4/ Anyone tried it? (Only with prescription in Switzerland :()
Yo guys Heres another one of my legendary skype group invites. This time for stm london. If you are going add me on skype so i can add you in or leave your skypeid or pm it (so i can add you in) Skype: attilaodri
Awaken the Giant Within By Anthony Robbins After reading the monstrous 550 pg book I felt overwhelmed. Tony gives a lot of stuff but I felt after the first part that it’s more of the same (A recurring theme I’ve noticed recently in books so maybe it’s just me :)). Tony talks about what he’s […]
The most important skill I’ve adopted is the idea of becoming a “gold miner” when it comes to reading books. Not long ago, I was very OCD about reading every single sentence and get every little bit of information from a book. If I skipped even a word and missed some unimportant detail, I had […]
So I go out 3-4 times a week. Every time there — well yes, every time – there are some chicks around – whether I’am with them or I’m trying to get with them. Every time I drink. Because if I drink, they drink. If they drink, you know what happens more easily. So – […]
Related to Stackman’s speech at STM London – if you are working on your own apps, here is a must read article from a creator of a 7 Minute Workout app. “I wanted an idea that I had no domain advantage in at all, so what better for a chair-bound developer than a fitness app. […]
Yooo… So a buddy of mine and long time affiliate started a Time Management blog, http://www.asianefficiency.com. He’s not pushing products or trying to sell you anything. Just straight tips on productivity & time management. If you’re looking to get more organized and manage your time better then I would check it out. It’s helped me […]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7Vu61BBccg Creativity. I believe it is ultimately what separates the boys from the men in AM. You see, he simply placed a tip jar next to a real statue to make people question whether it was real or not. Brilliant. “I think people want to believe amazing and quasi-magical things are out there,” Greenspan told […]