Hey there

So today I want to create a new follow along.

Some back story:

2017 I saw an opportunity to jump into the female athleisure industry.
So I created a Branded Shopify store and thought I was gonna make millions.

Of course, that wasn’t the case. I made 6-fig in revenue and…. ended around 10k negative after year end, so i made ZERO in profit.
Then last year I tried again to see the store could get legs and I wasn’t able to get it moving.

My problem was/ is the price point, I can’t sell them for a price that these people want, on the other side the quality is so good that
I could sell the products for more, and around 25% of first-time customers become repeat purchasers.

So customers love this product.

During 2018 I decided that wouldn’t touch this store anymore, I’ve literally tried everything.
I would only let it sit there and get organic sales and sales ...

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