UPDATE (10-Jul-23): All spots have been filled! However, based on past experience, there will always be people that RSVP but can’t show up for various reasons. If you didn’t make it on the list but would like to attend, please just show up at the venue – no definite promises but we’ll MOST PROBABLY be able to accommodate you!

UPDATE (5-Jul-23): Great news – we’re able to accommodate 10 more members at the meetup! Everyone that was on the waitlist have been added to the “confirmed attendees” list. 5 more spots are open – please RSVP below if you haven’t already! Thank you!

UPDATE (22-Jun-23): Although all 40 spots have been filled, we’ve started a WAITLIST and are negotiating with our sponsor and the venue to see if we can accommodate more attendees. To join the WAITLIST, please RSVP by posting in this thread. Thank you!

UPDATE (9-Jun-23): Our sponsor, Digitas Finance, has requested that we limit attendance at the STM members meetup to affiliates only. (We have agreed to make an exception for any companies that are official sponsors of AWE, but we will have to sadly turn away any other companies and networks).

ANNOUNCING: STM Meetup During AWE Barcelona – July 13th, 2023, 6-8pm

Picture this: You’re at AWE in Barcelona this year, second day of the conference is over, you’re feeling a bit sad about leaving all the excitement behind…

But wait! The fun ain’t over yet!

Come hang with your STM Fam at one of the world’s BEST cocktail bars! Shoot the breeze and talk some shop!


The Details:

WHEN: July 13th, 2023 – 6-8 ...

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