The One Secret to Banking HARD From Sweeps
I’ve been friends with Emil Alexandru aka blackemil for a while now.
We “met” through affiliate marketing, but most of what we talk about isn’t AM-related. We mostly talk about life and stuff.
But the other day, our conversation touched on AM – and he casually mentioned that he was “killing it” in the sweeps vertical, and proceeded to share a bit of details.
Keeping in mind that this is one of the lowest-profile, most humble and down-to-earth affiliates I know, that got my attention.
I knew that a lot of you could really benefit from his experience, so I asked whether he’d be down for doing an interview that I could then write into a forum post.
Being the extremely kind and generous guy (not to mention amazing friend) that he is, he said yes.
Below was our conversation – where he revealed how he’s been (and continues to) clean up with sweeps offers.
(I tried to ask questions that ranged from noob to vet for everyone’s benefit. If you still have questions please feel free to ask them below!)
Emil: People think sweepstakes are dead. But if you promote the legit way, you can can still bank hard.
The secret is to build custom offers. Things that people never see. Not Walmart, iphone, and PS5.
Custom offers in niches nobody else thinks of.
Look at what I promote. And this is a bad day cause of the weekend.
(Note from Amy: Sorry can’t expose the guy’s niches – gotta leave him with something right? ;))
(Another note from Amy: This screenshot was sent a couple of days before our “official” interview – thus the difference in dates.)
Amy: Impressive! Sweeps have such broad appeal. You can apply the same psychology to practically any niche. The sky’s the limit really!
I wonder what the ROI is like?
Emil: F*ck those gurus that say it’s easy to make 10-20k a day. It’s not. Times have changed.
It’s easy to make revenue. But profit is another story.
I also do on google. 500k revenue a week. Guess how much is profit? 30-40k max.
If you show people revenue stats they think “wow!”
But not everything that has big revenues = big profits.
Amy: So true. It’s been like that for a while now – lots of campaigns to drive volume at low ROI.
Emil: Yeah. Cause traffic is expensive.
And you can’t go aggressive du ...