After many months of work behind the scenes we are finally live!

I am happy to announce the two latest additions to the STM family : STM Ventures & STM Capital.

What is STM Ventures?

STM Ventures is an incubator for early stage startups in the digital marketing industry.

So if you have a company or product that :

– Has demonstrated initial traction and customer demand
– Is looking for funding, support, leadership & marketing help
– It’s goal is to scale it to a multi-million dollar global businesses

What do we provide?

– Our vast experience and connections in the affiliate marketing landscape
– Extensive strategic direction, managerial guidance and operational help ( recruitment, business setup corporate governance etc)
– A roadmap and path to a multi-million dollar exit together, built on a successful partnership and business execution

What are the current STM Ventures Projects?

So far, STM Ventures has partnered with two products and is proud to say that both have been an amazing success.

AdPlexity – A suite of intelligence tools suited for internet marketers.

FunnelF ...

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