Hi Everyone,

So after reading about affiliate marketing for exactly one week, I decided to take Malan’s advice and set up my first Mobile campaign following “The Mobile Cookbook: The appetizer” on STM. I eventually want to move onto Native Ads, but for now, my budget is only $3,000, so I want to start off with something small to learn the ropes.

Here’s a list of items I got after reading Malan and Charles Ngo’s blog, please give me some suggestions as to whether some of these are necessary!

Madsociety Forum $99 / mo
StackThatMoney Forum $99/mo
LiquidWeb for VPS $79/mo (<–is this necessary for mobile campaign?)
Voluum for tracking $99/mo
Namecheap for Domain ~$5
Adplexity $199 (<–I haven’t paid for this yet, is it necessary?)

This adds up to $580 if I get Adplexity, which is leaving me with ...

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