New Privacy First Internet = Death of AM ?
The current online advertising ecosystem relies heavily on the use of 3rd party cookies. That’s all about to change.
First, Google Chrome will no longer support third-party cookies from 2022 and as a result 3rd party cookies will die. This will change the entire online advertising space as it operates today.
Next, Google’s vision for the future of the internet. Specifically, its plan for a new, open-source, privacy-first web standard called “Privacy Sandbox” where all user information remains in the browser and limited, anonomised data can only be obtained via API while websites adhere to a “Privacy Budget”. Exceed your privacy budget and your site won’t work !
Google “Privacy Sandbox” project
Google is pushing for this to become the new web standard as opposed to merely browser privacy settings. Straight from the horses mouth:
As we’re removing the ability to do cross-site tracking with cookies ...