So… I’ve had a handful of FB campaigns on profitable auto-pilot for a while, and I was quickly growing less efficient.

My free-time turned less towards optimizations/scaling and more towards gaming & going out. I decided that I wanted a taste of the 9-5 (affiliate full-time, here) and slap a new ‘marketing’ title to my resume.

I apply around, and get in with a startup based out of an incubator in San Francisco (1355 Market St, the Twitter building, to be exact). I’d heard around the woodwork that there were a few STM’ers also working from the “Runway” (the name of the floor). PM me if you work there, i’d love to chat over coffee in the city.

My initial reaction was complete culture shock. A football-field size floor filled with what looked to be 10% of Apple’s revenue from hipsters and established businessmen. The atmosphere was something out of a movie: young and hungry twenty-year-olds just grinding it out. I was overwhelmed with motivation.

I’ll cut-out the messy drama, but I will say that a startup can be a great place to start building your skills/career. It’s an open-minded collaboration where anything is tried and a broad strategical appr ...

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