My 2014 Small Success Story After The Vegas Trip :D
So I went to Vegas, met up with a lot of top guys, where most of them are either doing mobile/adult. When I was told about the numbers they did on mobile, it completely blew me away… That’s when I decided to take mobile seriously…
Back to Malaysia on the 22nd of Jan (yes I spend a good 8 days in Vegas), I ditched all my web campaigns COMPLETELY. I said “FUCK IT”. I’m gonna forgo all my web stuff and go ALL IN into mobile…
I started to work on mobile campaigns like a cow on rocket. 16 hours a day, non stop. I think the last time I felt so determined was when I hit my first $xxx,xxx/month on adult last year. Anyway, through out the whole month of Jan, I lost about $4000 just on testing campaigns. I didn’t care about the money I lost. I said, fuck it, I just wanna make it work!
1st of Feb, the first day of Chinese New Year, and we Chinese ...