Hey all,

Excited to start this follow along and my journey with mastering VoluumDSP’s platform.

It’s been a long long time since I posted a follow along here, actually almost 6 years ago it looks like, which is practically ancient history in marketing time.

Got a few guides in the works I’m looking forward to sharing, but I think this will be a great starting point for the year to get the ball rolling

But first a little background…

What are Native Ads?

Native ads are in a sense a sub-set of Display traffic (eg banner ads) that are instead made to match the look and feel of the content on a website (or app), typically placed in the footer of an article as “related/sponsored content”. Usually this is in the form of an ad in article format, AKA an “advertorial.” The biggest native ads sources are Taboola, Outbrain, Revcontent, Yahoo Gemini, TripleLift, MGID, etc and Instagram would fit that bill as well.

P.S I don’t know why some people call it “Natives” Ya’ll weird 😛

What is VoluumDSP?

It’s a streamlined platform for buying display inventory, namely nati ...

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