Hey guys!

We have prepared this case study with one of our clients. Want to share this experience with you.
All the next steps described by our client. Hope you will enjoy it 🙂

This case study has everything you need: from the analysis of the choice of GEO to the description of certain valuable ideas and approaches. It is worth reading!

While looking for the new offer to run, I came across screenshots of the traffic department who had affiliates running Crypto Offers. Those screenshots encouraged me to try out this vertical. I didn’t want to compete, so I decided to test different GEOs. I will describe down below how it turned out.

Affiliate network: FxMonetize
Source: Facebook
Offer: Libra Prelander German 383 (Still on fire)
GEO: DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)
Time of running: 01.09.2019 – Still Running
Spent on Ads: $4 740
Spent on Accounts+Cards: $600

Revenue: $16 800
Profit on campaigns: $12 060
Total profit: $11460
ROI: 254%
Total ROI: 214%

GEO and Offer choice.

With the vertical chosen, it took me long enough to make up my mind on what affiliate network and GEO to pick for this offer. And so my choice fell on FxMonetize. Next, with the help of my favorite AM, I’ve chosen two offers on the same GEO.

GEOs were selected according to the traffic prices and deposit rates. I avoided “expensive” countries since there was already high competition and relatively high rates, which could result in very expensive tests. These GEOs (with payment of $600 for each) eventu ...

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