Hey Stackers, just wanted to check in and let you guys in on what I’ve been up to lately. A few months ago I started a follow along. I kept up with it for a few weeks then stopped updating it. I know I know, probably one of the lamest follow along threads on the forum. I apologize for not keeping up with it, so to make up for my weak follow-along I’m going to dump an update and lessons learned in this massive post.

The truth is literally a couple weeks after starting my follow along I started to hit pay dirt with my adult campaigns. Money started flowing in and I found myself with a scarcity mindset. I had a single campaign with a single offer, a single banner, a single lander on a single traffic source that literally started to blow up overnight. I did not want to share anything that would comprise this campaign. Maybe it’s because of the cut-throat and cannibalistic nature of the adult dating niche, where people will ruthlessly rip your entire campaigns without a second ...

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