How to read data, optimize, and scale a Facebook campaign like a Pro
Facebook is one of the top two traffic sources in the world. You can run 100% white hat or you can cloak. Nevertheless the steps to optimize a campaign are pretty much the same.
You first collect data, then you read what the data has to say, make adjustments by editing campaigns/adsets and setting only the winning combinations.
If you want to scale in your vertical, you can use the data that is statistically significant and you already have in your favor to start of new campaigns with a bang, using the right targeting to pretty much instaprofit from the start rather than having to start all over from scratch with the data collection.
Today I am going to share with you how we optimize campaigns by letting the data we paid for do the talking.
A little background:
-This campaign breaks even at $10 CPA
-It currently is at $9.13 CPA, which means we’re making a little bit of money already
-Overall I spent $12233 on data thus far
Now it’s time to lower the CPA and profit!!
PART 1 – Reading the data
Facebook lets you read data at a campaign, adset ...