Hi members,

Lots of members ask one question about the bind Ads optimization.
# How to use bindAds for cent/ penny traffic
# How to optimized the bingAds
# How to get clicks (As I am getting lot of impression)
# How to target specific age group

Well I will today answer only first question ?
# How to use bingAds for cent/ penny traffic

This is my own method and this part is never discussed by any guru or Internet boss, All of them will teach you how to make a Ads and search for keywords, NO one will teach the advance optimization.

Lots of people struck on this when they start bingAds, they will not receive the clicks or they will receive clicks which will make bing owner rich. like 1$ or .50 cent for one click.

We all went to bing for one thing to get penny traffic but we all lost it in betw ...

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