How I Made $XXX,XXX Profit On FB Direct Linking (Blackhat But No Cloaking)
Some of you may already read some comments at the Facebook vs Pin Submit discussions about Facebook Advertising for VIP Response. I have been doing FB advertising (self-employed) for over 5 years now, mainly on insurances and finance. Facebook seems to be a tough b*tch when it comes to pin submits. However I would like you guys to show some insights on how to make good profit on FB with pin submits. Some luck is needed too by the way 😉
Important notes v1.
– no cloaking involved
– no prelanders involved
– just direct linking (ad → click → campaign page)
So, what do we need to start;
– a FB account, warmed up and war ready!
– branded pin submit campaign, in my case mainly UK, IE and AU. For example Tesco or Marks & Spencer
Setting up the ad
Create a new Facebook fan-page, relevant to the brand. This part makes the ad t ...