Here’s my stats from November (screenshot below):

November 2013
Ad spend: $11,692.13
Revenue: $21,881.78
Profit: $10,189.65

First off, I’m not writing this to brag. I’m writing this because I was asked to by a friend, who, among countless other friends and factors, helped me reach my goal of making a full-time income from Affiliate Marketing. He told me I needed to do this to inspire and motivate those struggling in this business. If you are struggling; I know your pain, because I was struggling until very recently. A few months ago I had $5 in my checking account, and had to borrow $12 from my girlfriend for food because I was dead broke and all my small nest egg was tied up in a affiliate network. The pain is still fresh in my mind.

Secondly, I apologize for the length of this. If I had more time I would have made it shorter. ☺

Truth is, when I started in affiliate marketing I was terrible at it. Furthermore, my idea of success and how to achieve it in AM was really skewed. I thought it was simple: all you had to do was follow a guru, setup a campaign and you were guaranteed to profit. Turns out that was the farthest thing from the truth. From my experiences, I found I needed to invest thousands of hours of my time, have a strong passion to succeed, a mastermind group, faith and basically all of Think and Grow Rich’s success principles in place.

I have learned so many valuable lessons in affiliate marketing. Like anything in life, Affiliate marketing takes a lot of hard work to get good at. It’s a linear hard-work vs success relationship. The harder you work, the more success you have. Furthermore, nothing comes easy in this business, and it takes hundreds, more like thousands of hours to build your skill set. Moreover, this business takes grit, a lot of grit. I recently gained a new appreciation of grit. Grit is the ability to keep pushing towards your goals, even when you experience short term failure, and understanding that short term failure, is necessary to achieve long term success.

Now I’ll get into my story, and explain the success and failure I experienced.

Four Years ago I met Charles Ngo at a Martial Arts School we both trained at. I remember thinking how is a young guy driving a $100,000 car? I asked him what he did for work, and he said internet marketing… Something about diet p ...

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