I am going to talk about Facebook accounts for Black Hat traffic cause I think I know something about casino niche and BH traffic in general. Here’s some spending from some of my accounts.

I am not a guru, I don’t promote any CPA/traffic networks here, I just want to share my experience here. Of course, I am not going to share 100% of all the info, I think my industry colleagues will be mad on me. I am always ready to answer your question in telegram cassshy , but try to be more specific. If you’re in doubt with some approaches of farming, running traffic, scaling, growing teams – I will guide, it will safу your time defo. But I am not going to spend my time teaching you everything from scratch. This article will be based on the article by ‘El Presidante’ (from forum diasp, it’s on Russian, so hope this EN article will be helpful), and I also want to add some thoughts.

Now, I want to tell you what does really matter for Facebook
Farmers and media buyers usually use different apps like Multilogin App, LinkenSphere, Indigo to recreate unique fingerprints and farm the facebook accounts from 0. They are trying to look like a real user, it’s cool, but it’s not enough. The real user is not the one who put tons of likes and comments or the one who put an avatar. The real user is not the one who shits in comments. Facebook uses more smart spam and bot detection system. It’s easy to sniff the traffic and review Facebook’s requests it sends on sign up stage. Maybe it will be a big surprise for you but Facebook doesn’t get any info about your video card, hard drive, canvas, and other paranoiac bullshit, that is discussed everywhere. Fb also doesn’t care about your Win or Mac signatures.
Let’s think together, Facebook has 2 billions+ users with only one goal – to show the most relevant ads and sell more and more. Facebook is not a CIA, it only wants you to buy more. You check it yourself – just use Fiddler and sign p for Facebook filtering traffic through it. You will be surprised how small amount of info Fb wants to know about your hardware.
So what does Facebook want to know about you?
Facebook doesn’t like shitty IPs. It w ...

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