Facebook Automated Rules – How To Increase Your ROI%
Facebook Automated Rules
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Automatic rules in Facebook Ads will help you save your time, notify about problems with accounting and will contribute to making relevant changes. Recently, FB has improved the possibilities of the rules.
In this article, you will learn how to configure and manage rules. In addition, consider a few suggestions for practical use.
Create a new rule
To access the automatic rules in Facebook Ad Manager, select “Rules” above the campaign table. Then choose from the list to manage existing rules or a new rule.
Define the Rule
When you click on “Create a new rule” you will have a window in which you can select the parameters. You can use the rule for all active campaigns and ads. Also, you have the option to select specific campaigns and apply the rule to them.
Then you need to select an action – what will be executed while launching the rule
Let’s take a look of the list of available actions at the time of publication. Budget and bid options are used only when recruiting ads.
- Disabling campaigns
- Enable Campaigns
- Send notification only
- Adjust budget
- Increase daily budget for
- Reduce daily budget by
- Increase budget by
- Cut the budget by
- Scale daily budget by target field
- Adjust bid manually
- Increase your bid
- Reduce the bid
- Scale Target Rate
When you select a rate or budget, you will have a field in which you enter a percentage or dollar amount. In this case, you can minimum or maximum budget or a bid.
The options “scale daily budget / rate by target field” are applicable only to advertising with manual rates. They are used to manually adjust bids to adjust a specific value. After determining the action, you can make a choice of frequency.
Rule conditions
To determine the criteria for running the rules, you need to go to the “Conditions” section.
Available variables include a wide range of parameters, such as:
• Standard metrics such as clicks, expenses, etc.
• Campaign / ...