CPA Offers List and Own Offers List-How I Manage My Lists

Below is a brand new clickbank account i set up 7th-Jan 2012, then sent
an email blast sent to it. No PPC, or PPV cost involved, so its 100% profit.

My lists comprise of 3 types of list.

1. CPA list

– hit and run type of list. consumer type products,
Since i have no control over the offers or its quality, its hard to build any loyalty
with a CPA list, tuned to freebies and free trials.
When i find a high converting CPA offer, i will blast it out to this list.

2. Prospecting list – people that can grow into my customer list. I don’t
send CPA offers to them. Only offers i have control over to ensure the quality.

3. Customer list – people that bought from me. nich ...

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