Come Join My Creative Mastermind Challenge, And I’ll Give You $1000 Bucks
So I’ve been reading a lot lately, having been on a couple longer flights, and one of the books I’ve been reading is one that cmdeal recommended, BOLD, by Peter Diamandis, and one of the things that jumped out to me is how one can use a well-timed Competitions to spur innovation in traditionally played out and tired industries.
I’ve met a fair share of affiliates in my career, and I would say at least 80% of them really just rip other people’s stuff or “whatever’s hot” and try to milk the scraps of the first mover’s creatives. In my opinion, this is seriously a shame as I know so many seriously creative and talented people in this industry, and generally they are the people who are the most successful.
This is why I decided to run a competition/mastermind hybrid, that is private to JUST the people who actively participate in it.
I want to break the stereotype that all AM’s are good at is ripping and running. I want to destroy the notion that the only utility angles are threatening you have a virus or that you need to upgrade your whatsapp.
So here is what I propose to anyone who is interested:
Tim Tetra’s Creative Mastermind Challenge
Have one of the creatives you submit outperform hundreds of other creatives from other people, and emerge victorious — a new man (or woman)
Honestly for me — bragging rights for instantly becoming one of the top authorities on creatives by beating the top 1% of the top 1% people in the best forum for direct response marketing is arguably the most valuable prize, but I will also give $1000 of my own money as a donation to the winner of the best overall creative to raise the stakes of the game.
On top of all this, I will grant the winner of this contest lifetime free access to a pretty cool internal tool that our own media buying team has been using for some time to gain an edge over other FB marketers. It like a Google Finance stock ticker tape that lets you spot market inefficiencies of which device/country/age/gender combination is particularly cheap right now.
For example, have you wondered how expensive the CPM’ ...