The Challenge:

Take at least 1 cold shower per day for 30 days.

The Rules:

1. Showers must be as cold as the shower allows.

2. No starting the shower warm then easing it down. Jump in at 100% cold.

3. Five minute minimum shower length, should be aiming for ten minutes though.

4. No excuses, no skipping days. If a day is missed, start again.

5. Post here if you commit to this challenge, also post if you have succeeded or failed in reaching 30 days.

Mindset Benefits:

1. Cold showers will condition you to not make excuses in the face of possible discomfort, in order to reach your goals.

2. If you can’t achieve the goal of 30 cold showers over 30 days for the sacrafice of 5-10 minutes discomfort per day. How much hope do you think your other goals have? Or how much better do you think you could do if you had less ‘excuse resistance’?

Physical/Health Benefits:

1. Increases metabolism and burns fat.

2. Boosts immune system so you are less likely to get sick.

3. Improves blood circulation and helps regulate ...

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