Living in a small town in central India, I started affiliate marketing in 2009. Soon I got lucky with some direct linked dating, gaming, IQ, horoscope campaigns on facebook & ended up making low $xxx,xxx profit over a period of around 3 years. All my stuff was direct linked, I didnt knew how to setup landing pages, I never used tracking, didn’t even know what p202 was, and more similar things. The only thing I was good at was creating direct linked ads that actually worked.

As you can guess, slowly shit started hitting the fan – Fb started blocking network tracking links, started banning accounts and instead of learning to develop my own landing pages/tracking I started hopping between networks in search of ‘clean’ domains & more direct linked campaigns. People smarter than me adapted to this change & created their own LPs, angles etc & I was slowly out of business. Heck I didn’t even know how to use a php file to switch offers just in case an offer was pulled or capped! I ...

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