Morning Stackers,

Me again back with a new little guide for you, yes, I’m pretty addicted to STM right now thus why I’m so active. I do like this forum though the look and feel and the community seem awesome. Anyway, when using content locking networks it’s important that you get a handle of the optimization of your offers. In fact, it’s the difference between earning good money or losing it while you sleep actually.

The Bad

Well, some networks will tell you to leave the offers alone, just leave them all live because our algorithm automatically optimizes your offers. Well, that’s fine but I tested this out many times and it normally leaves you pissing in the wind which only goes one way, badly.

The Good

If you use paid traffic then you know already how painstaking it can be having to track your data, logic, well why would staying on top if your content locking be any different. Nothing is easy in life and you have to work hard if you ...

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