
From time and time again I see affiliates making the mistake that they test a geo/offer and if it doesn’t work give up and say meh, affiliate marketing isn’t for me.

Well let me show you how I run a campaign to get the maximum impact in the fastest time frame so I can bank HARD!

See what you can do as well to hit*a geo with many offers at once, using various angles, collect data and let it tell you which Angle (in this example case Browser Offer) is the BEST in that geo, so you can spend time horizontally scaling that fast and get to 1k+ a day profit FAST! Remember, BIG IMPACT, responding fast, and doing things efficient is key!

So this is what I do, and what you can do too.

Step 1) Decide what offer I want to promote

I decided on browser offers (DU Browser, UcWeb, *Dolphin, etc)

Step 2) Com ...

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