How to get the cheapest CPCs on Facebook Mobile News Feed
NOTE: This is going to be SUPER detailed, but on the bottom I tell you the ‘readers digest, ADHD version if you just want the quick facts’ – You will see how me and my team perform controlled tests, logging and writing down every single thing we notice, question we have, or idea we come up with during the process. This method is proven, I actually have a full time R&D guy who is a data analyst junkie who runs tests every single day – that’s his job – and that’s another story.
Objective: To find the best method to get the cheapest CPCs to our product lander. (in facebook terms: unique link clicks)
Our Product: Physical Product from e commerce store, full transparency.
Due Diligence (Always a very important part no matter what you do!):
In order to get an understanding and learn from others; we apply a method I always use – try and get an answer via google from people who might have already done what we’re trying to do.
Going to google, and typing in How to get the cheapest clicks on Facebook brings up some interesting articles. After reading them the following things jump out:
Summary of Article #1
-Broad demographics, narrow interests
-Picture, Picture, Picture
-To Lower CPC -> Increase CTR
-Analyze & Rinse & Repeat
-Observation1: Switching to CPC to CPM drives down CTR and increases CPC?
-Observation2: Lowering CPC Bid drops CTR. Ad performs worse because its positioned lower on page
-Obser ...