Anyone working with SmashRevenue? You might want to read this :(
Hope it wasnt posted yet, here is a blog post made yesterday by one of the founders of smashrevenue – an affiliate network focused mostly on adult offers.
Looks like they are done.
“From having Millions to having $200 in my pocket
Many of you wonder what has happened the last 5 or 6 months and I am here to give you a detailed explanation to clear the air and put an end to all the rumors.
In the middle of 2015 SMASHRevenue was a thriving company. It was stable, not exactly growing like a year ago, but affiliates have been well catered to and payments have always been on time.
I can’t take credit for it – but Tuan can. We used to be equal partners but there is no doubt that he held everything together and I single handedly ended screwing it up.
So lets back up for a second before anyone gets confused. Tuan sold his equity in SMASH to a 3rd party while things where still running fine and dandy at the offices of SMASH. What followed after his leave, has nothing to do with him or anything he could control in any way, even if he wanted to. Nothing but props for Tuan who was at that time my best friend and business partner but I managed to screw that up as well.
I was the only publicly known face left behind SMASH and simply went from one pitfall into another. Unlike other people I am not very good at separating my emotions from my business, therefor I had no qualms about calling out – a certain advertiser – for their unethical and illegal sexual preferences in their private life.
This obviously caused a huge drama between myself and the advertiser in question. The advertiser in question felt threatened for what ever reason – maybe because one of my old/ex-friends killed a cop in his Ferrari and never got convicted? I don’t know, not that I am friends with the person in question anymore but that’s one of the few things I can think of.
I didn’t expect things to go exactly the way they did but the new, 33% partners of SMASH brought on a couple of affiliate managers and had plans to revamp the network, put it on CAKE and all that kind of stuff. I agreed to it and basically threw in the towel at this point as I wasn’t a majority shareholder as per contract anymore.
Now in the m ...