These days, everyone in AM searches for the biggest traffic source, the best converting offers in huge GEOs … everyone wants to run $XXX per day campaigns, if not $XXXX straight away. I see questions like : “… does this have the potential to reach $XXX per day?” or “… can this campaign be a big money maker?” over and over.

But what about the small campaigns generating just a few bucks per day? What about the small GEOs and small traffic sources? Affiliates, even the new ones to my surprise, tend to forget about them and that’s a huge mistake … let me tell you why. SMALL can beat the BIG if you know how 🙂

Large GEOs, large traffic spots, large placements … these can certainly make you a lot of $$$ … but they all pull LARGE competition too. Campaigns die faster there, they get ripped in a matter of hours and the CVR is usually errati ...

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