the course is geared towards teaching non-programmers! You don’t need any previous programming knowledge to follow the course. Also want to thank oneano for recommending the course in the first place.]

Are there mindless tasks you’re keep having to do over and over again, both from the browser and on your desktop, that you wished could be automated?

If so, you need to check out this udemy course:

Sign up RIGHT NOW because this will only be free for the next few hours (I found out about it late….). After that it will be $60, or $30 with the half-off discount code.

There are so many things we can potentially automate for our campaigns. For example, imagine being able to paste a list of placement IDs into a text file and having a script automatically logging into the traffic source and blacklisting them, or stopping a campaign when lead cap is reached, or tweaking the bid when certain criteria are met… The possibilities are truly endless! (I’m just speculating in my head here, but I’m pretty sure these examples are automate-able, and that some people already have.)

Alternatively, you could also check out Ubot (for desktop automation) and iMacros (for browser automation).

Here’s the lesson plan for the udemy course:

Section: 1 – Python Basics
Lecture 1: Get Python Installed
Quiz 1: Just a check in.
2 questions
Lecture 2: Basic Terminology and U ...

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