I’m new to affiliate marketing, but over the past couple months I’ve opened my eyes tremendously to the amount of money to be made online, and how it all works. I feel like if you can successfully make money as an affiliate marketer, you will never see anything in the same way again. Everything I see, I wonder if there are affiliate offers for them, how I can drive eyeballs to it, convince them to purchase, and most of all, test, test, test. Then you start mentally growing the pot into owning the offer, owning the traffic network, or numerous other ways to make money with this industry.

So that being said, I’ve gone through and done the Appetiser tutorial. I’ve made banners, done pops, designed and ripped landers, and tracked, tracked tracked. But I’ve come to the realization that the “spread” isn’t for me. I don’t want to be the guy in between a traffic source and an offer when the elapsed time the viewer spends with me is about 8 seconds. Not because I don’t like the concept, but becaus ...

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