Hey Fellow Stackers! We’re excited to bring to you two new networking events in China in October!!!

These will be free-to-attend events where you’ll get to network with STM moderators and fellow stackers. There will be a presentation where you’ll get a sneak preview of / the inside scoop on Duiqianba, as well as Affiliate World Asia. In addition, we’ll be raffling off awesome prizes to be won! Drinks, prizes, fun, networking and knowledge = don’t miss out whatever you do!

The purpose of these two events will be to provide networking opportunities for the Chinese affiliate community, as well as officially announce the launch of STM China: Duiqianba.com. Duiqianba, for which Avazu is the main sponsor, will introduce leading world class ideas on affiliate marketing to Chinese readers, 100% written in Chinese. Sign up at <><>http://duiqianba.com/ to be notified of updates and progress!


There will be 2 networking events back-to-back – Hong Kong on October 24th, and Shenzhen on October 25th. Registration is mandatory for these free events! If there are too many people registered, priority will go to affiliates who are STM members. Please register at this link: ...

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