Eight figures and counting…I’m going off the rails on a crazy train!
I made it. I really have. H.O.L.Y S.H.I.T!!!
I have endured the pain and now I can enjoy the gain. I wanted to put this up before the meetup to motivate you to attend. Though, it took me a while but it is definitely worth it in the end, just believe that. Last time we agreed when meet I should be making 500k right? Yeah! This now seems real as am hitting the high six figures at the moment and have made well past eight figures in revenue.
I am not going to go into the nitty gritty of what I do to make this money. It’s rather obvious, isn’t it? I have come to reassure you people that if you treat AM like a real business, the profits would be real, surreal! If you are as broke as a church rat, just know that I was the same way not a long time ago.
I have compiled a list of cliches that WORK, work like charm. You would have heard these things umpteen times, but I am amazed how people are afraid of implementing such simple things. So, here you go:
List of Internet Marketing Cliches That Work:
1. NEVER BE AFRAID OF FAILURE. it’s just an opportunity for me to begin again in a clever and smarter way. Think abou ...