Hey All,

It’s my 4 year anniversary today of my very first AM Success..

Four years ago Maynzie gave me 10 of Jordan’s and Lorenzos landers, and a offer. As soon as I launched I was at 100% ROI, about 1k profit per day and the offer(s) did about 30k in the first month.

This was the Wild West Days, CPV Labs, Prosper, and the Pin Submit Glory Hole.

Every now and then I like to post on here and give back to the community that changed my life forever.

I’m going to give the forum one of the sexiest, most brilliant systems that this place has seen all year. Easily.

Last year my programmer/developer hit me up and said he had something cool to show me.

He sent me a screenshot and when I saw it it was like seeing the Mona Lisa for the first time.

He had figured out how to ...

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