Since I’ve launched my consulting services I have been spending hours and hours with clients looking at their campaign flow and helping them perfect their system. It’s interesting to see that even advanced affiliates can make rookie mistakes and don’t realize where they mess up.

This is the reason I decided to come up with an article about 3 major mistakes I tend to see with my clients:

Mistake #1. Not Analyzing data the RIGHT way – Making desperate decisions

So one of my clients had to deal with the situation where his CPC is great but he’s still not making a positive ROI. So we got on TeamViewer and he showed me his stats. His engagement rate was super great, almost as much shares as likes on his ad. Relevance Score also high. He’s spent $600 but only made back ~$100.

Okay, I asked him to click on the “Performance and Clicks” column to see the CTR(link) and CPC(link). Boom! It turned out that he was looking at the CTR column which is a sum of all the clicks that you get on your ad so it can be a like, share, comment or click on the image. When we looked at his “Link CTR” it was just half of what he thought it was. Also, when you’re looking at the Link CTR, don’t forget to take a look at the Link CPC as the higher your CTR is the lower you should be paying for your traffic usually – so always check!

Conclusion: When I launch a new campaign, the first thing I look at is the link CTR on the ads. If they aren’t meeting my minimum standards I don’t let it run all the way wasting $600… I make sure it’s performing so I can collect more useful data and then make data-driven decisions. Work smart, not desperately.

Now that we found something to fix in his flow he asked how he could increase the CTR on his ads.


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