I felt compelled to write this. Yesterday I sold 213,000 lbs of blueberries. The day before that 190,000 lbs, and the day before that 187,000 lbs of berries. In fact for the last month I have been selling consistently that volume. When I first started in this business I didnt know crap. That was 4 years ago.

In fact, I would call on potential customers and get called an idiot for not knowing names of varieties, pack styles, etc. But, what I did know is that the farmer I was working with was almost going bankrupt for the last 5 years and that I was asked to help out doing business development. I got that call 4 years ago, thought about the opportunity for about a week, researched the market, and thought, hey this is a rising tide. All boats should rise.

Little did I know how crazy cut throat a commodity business is. Little did I know of how entrenched companies were in this business (Im talking 100 year old enterprises with national brands). It’s safe to say that I DID NOT KNOW WHAT THE HELL I WAS GETTING INTO. If I did, I may hav ...

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